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Centro Nicaragüense de Conservación Ambiental (CENICA)


CENICA, a Nicaraguan nonprofit, promotes environmental education and conservation. In 2019, CENICA implemented the Dump to Garden project, which partnered with local  communities to convert informal dump sites into sustainable food gardens. The Dump to Garden project also shared conservation workshops with community members on ways to reduce plastic consumption and prevent freshwater plastic pollution.




ANACC (Nicaraguan Alliance Against Climate Change)


Alianza Nicaragüense ante el Cambio Climàtico is a network of 40+ Nicaraguan NGOs that work to combat climate change. They provide capacity building, networking, and climate change policy advocacy.






Huerto means garden or orchard in Spanish. EcoHuertos is a community NGO that promotes organic agriculture. They are part of the Planting Change Foundation environmental leadership program and provide space to develop nurseries for the schools we partner with.



ELAW (The Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide)


ELAW helps communities speak out for clean air, clean water, and a healthy planet. We are a global alliance of attorneys, scientists and other advocates collaborating across borders to promote grassroots efforts to build a sustainable, just future. ELAW provides institutional support and shares legal expertise with Planting Change Foundation.



Engineers Without Borders Nicaragua (EWB-N)


EWB-N is partnering with communities to meet their basic human needs.responds to requests for engineering support through one of our three programs: the International Community Program, the Engineering Service Corps, and the Community Engineering Corps. IWB advises and shares information with the Planting Change Foundation on issues of infrastructure and access to drinking water.





Rotary Fast For Hope-5960


Rotary is a global network of 1,200,000 neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a planet where people come together and take action to create lasting change in the world, their communities, and themselves. 







Its objective is a sustainable and formed future, where whole foods of plant origin are the basis of human and planetary health. Together we are creating programs that intertwine food security and community well-being in different communities in Nicaragua.






As a collective force, young people have extraordinary potential to mobilise and influence tangible, positive change in our world’s food systems. Youth across the world are rallying behind #Act4Food #Act4Change. The innovative ideas and solutions of youth must be supported in the lead up to the UN Food Systems Summit and beyond. 





Food at COP


Is a movement led by a collection of young people from across the globe who believe that climate-friendly negotiations must take place over climate-friendly meals. The campaign calls for the UN to serve plant-based food at its COP climate events. To kick things off, they are directing the campaign at the organisers of the next conference: COP26 which takes place in Glasgow, Scotland, in November.






We could not do this work without the generosity of all our supporters.  We especially thank our grant makers and individual Planting Green and Planting Blue donors.

gold leaf
blue leaf


Grants (Anonymous)



Planting Blue 


Icons made by Pixel Perfect from

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